Rosh Hashanah – ראש השנה
Minhah Afternoon Eve of Rosh Hashanah
- Minhah Ereb Rosh Hashanah is not in the Rosh Hashanah Books.
- Regular without change in melodies, since it is a regular Yom Hol.
- No Tahanunim (because it is the even of Yom Tob).
- If Eve of Shabbat, recite Psalm 93 (Amonai Malakh) instead of Psalm 67 (Lamnatseah Bigninot)
Arbit, First Day
- After Minhah, the Parnas comes to the Tebah (Optional: while the choir sings the Mi Sheberakh).
- The Hazzan announces the Mitsvot as follows:
- Mi Sheberakh Abotenu Yebarekh Et Hagebir Peloni Bar Peloni Sheyiftah Et Sha’are Hahekhal Barekh Hu Lamonai.
- …Sheya’amod Letsad Yemin Shel Shaliyah Tsibbur Litfilat ’Arbit …
- …Sheya’amod Letsad Semol Shel Shaliyah Tsibbur Litfilat ’Arbit…
- …Sheyomar Hazemirot Litfilat Shahrit…
- …Sheyomar Amonai Hu Ha-elokim (Minister)…
- …Sheya’amod Letsad Yemin Shel Sh”Ts Litfilat Shahrit…
- …Sheya’amod Letsad Semol Shel Sh”Ts Litfilat Shahrit…
- …Sheyomar Hahaftarah…
- The Parnas then leaves the Tebah, returns to his seat and bows to the Hazzan who (if Shabbat, starts with Mizmor Shir Leyom HaShabbat) then intones the whole first Pasuk of Psalm 81 (Lamnatseyah ’Al HaGuitit LeAssaf). The choir and Kahal then take over the rest of the Psalm. The Hazzan repeats the last Pasuk to the tune of Ahot Ketanah.
- The Hazzan then starts the words: “Ahot Ketanah Tefillotehah”. The choir and Kahal then take over the rest of the Piyut. The Hazzan starts the first two words of each stanza. The Hazzan repeats the last line of the penultimate stanza. The choir and the Kahal will start the last stanza and continue till the end. The Hazzan then repeats “Solu Solu (three times) Mesilloteha, Tahel Shanah Ubirkhotehah.”
- The Hekhal is opened while the Hazzan sings “Solu Solu” and the Seganim ascend the Tebah (without Tallet). Before the Hazzan starts the Kaddish, he puts his Tallet over the head.
- The first part of the Kaddish is to the tune of Ahot Ketanah and the 2nd part, starting from Veyishtabah and including Barekhu, is to the tune of Yede Rashim.
- Continue as on regular Shabbat.
- At the end of Hashkibenu, the Hazzan repeats: “Ve’al Yerushalayim Amen.”
- On Shabbat, the choir will chant Veshameru, repeated by the Hazzan and Kahal. Afterwards, the choir and Kahal sing, “Ubyom Simhat-khem” and the Hazzan repeats this pasuk.
- The end of the Kaddish before the ’Amidah is in a low tone.
- Continue with the Amidah.
- On Shabbat, the Hazzan recites Vayekhulu and Bircat Me’en Sheba. (Note: Hamelekh Hakadosh instead of Ha-el Hakadosh). This is followed by Kaddish Titkabbal.
- Halleluyah after the Kaddish Titkabbal is started by the Hazzan (even on Shabbat we do not recite Psalm 23).
- The Kaddish before ’Alenu Leshabeyah is started by the Hazzan to the tune of Yede Rashim. The Choir and Kahal continue from “Be’alema.” The Hazzan will start also “Yehe sheme Rabba Mebarakh” and “Yehe Shelama Rabba Min Shemaya.”
- ’Alenu is started by the Hazzan with the words “’Alenu Leshabeyah La-Adon Hakol” to the Yamim Noraim tune. The Hazzan will also repeat the words “HaKadosh Barukh Hu.” The end is repeated also by the Hazzan from “Ki Amonai Hu Ha-Elokim…”
- At the end of ’Alenu Leshabeyah, the Seganim descend from the Tebah and, the Hekhal is closed at this time if there is a sermon or a short prayer for the New Year.
- The Hekhal is reopened for the duration of Yigdal.
- The Hazzan starts the Yigdal with “Yigdal Elokim Hay Veyishtabah” to the tune of “’Et Sha’are Ratson” and the choir and Kahal continue till “Vetorato.” The Hazzan then starts from “Metim” till “’Ade ’Ad” (according to the Amsterdam minhag) and the choir and Kahal follow with “Shem Tehillato.”
- The Hekhal is then closed.
- After “Tekubbal” the Hazzan announces: “Shahrit tomorrow morning, will commence at 8 O’clock.”
Shahrit, First Day
- Zemirot are started with “Tehillat,” on Yede Rashim tune.
- On Shabbat we add “Ubyom HaShabbat” on page 116.
- “Amonai Hu Ha-elokim” is chanted as in the Selihot tune.
- “Amonai Melekh” is chanted on Yede Rashim as in the Selihot tune also.
- Hekhal is opened before Barukh She-amar.
- On Shabbat we add the first verse of psalm 92, Mizmor Shir Leyom HaShabbat.
- On page 150 we DO say “Mizmor Letodah” (even on Shabbat.)
- When the Hazzan starts Shahrit, the Seganim ascend the Tebah and the Hazzan puts his Tallet over the head.
- Shahrit is started with “Elokai Al Tedineni Kema’ali” p. 161 by the Hazzan. Afterwards, the Kahal takes over. The Hazzan repeats “Ve’et Tabi” till the end.
- “Shofet” is said by the Hazzan alone and the Kahal says the refrain “’Olat Haboker…” The Hazzan repeats the refrain.
- “Nishmat” is started by the Hazzan to the tune of “Elokim Atah Yada’ta” and the Kahal takes over with the regular melody from “Umibal’adekha.”
- The ’Ubkhen’ before Yishtabah is sung by the Hazzan to its special tune. Similarly, the Berakhah has its special tune.
- In the “Yede Rashim” the Hazzan starts every stanza and repeats the last “Lehakdish.”
- The First half of the Kaddish is in the melody of ’Alenu Leshabeyah or “Ahot Ketanah. The 2nd half will be like in ’Arbit (Yede Rashim).
- On Shabbat we add La-El Asher Shabbat on page 176.
- The choir will start singing at the Hazarah.
- In the Hazarah, the Kedushah is in the Ahot Ketanah melody.
- The Cohanim will say the Dukhan. If there are no Cohanim, then the Hazzan will say the Bircat Cohanim to the Hashkibenu’s melody.
- On Shabbat we omit Abinu Malkenu.
- On week days, we say “Abinu Malkenu” p.192 right after the Hazarah.
- After Kaddish Titkabbal, the Hekhal is closed, the Seganim descend from the Tebah, the Hazzan lowers his Tallet. New York: Parnas comes to the Tebah.
- “Lema’ankha Elokai” is introduced by the Hazzan to the tune of “Amonai Bekol Shofar.” The Hazzan starts every stanza and repeats the last refrain.
- New York: The Hazzan recites the blessings for the Government, the Kahal and the State of Israel.
- New York: The blessings for the outgoing and incoming Hatan Torah and Hatan Beresheet are as follows although it is not indicated in the book:
- “Besiman Tob, Mi Sheberakh…Veya’azor Et Hagebir…Peloni b. Peloni. Shehaya Hatan Torah Lakahal Hakadosh Hazeh Bashanah She’aberah, Malka… Afterwards the Hazzan starts with “Tehillat Amonai” and the choir takes over.
- “Besiman Tob, Mi Sheberakh…Veya’azor Et Hagebir…Peloni b. Peloni. Shehaya Hatan Beresheet Lakahal Hakadosh Hazeh Bashanah She’aberah, Malka… Afterwards the Hazzan starts with “Va-anahnu” and the choir takes over.
- “Besiman Tob, Mi Sheberakh…Veya’azor Et Hagebir…Peloni b. Peloni. Shenibhar Lihyot Hatan Torah Lakahal Hakadosh Hazeh Lashanah Haba-ah ’alenu Leshalom, Malka… Afterwards the Hazzan starts with “Tehillat Amonai” and the choir takes over.
- “Besiman Tob, Mi Sheberakh…Veya’azor Et Hagebir…Peloni b. Peloni. Shenibhar Lihyot Hatan Beresheet Lakahal Hakadosh Hazeh Lashanah Haba-ah ’alenu Leshalom, Malka… Afterwards the Hazzan starts with “Va-anahnu” and the choir takes over.
- Hashcabot, if needed.
- Choir does not sing “Mi Sheberakh.”
- New York: The Hazzan bows to the Parnas, who is still seating on the Tebah.
- Philadelphia: The Parnas comes forward.
- The Hazzan announces the Mitsvot as follows:
- … Sheyiftah Et Sha’are Hahekhal…
- … Sheyotsi Sefer Hatorah Harishon (Hatan Torah)…
- … Sheyotsi Sefer Hatorah Hasheni (Hatan Beresheet)…
- … Sheye-ehoz Et ’ets Hayim Shel Sefer HaTorah HaRishon…
- … Sheyighlol Sefer Hatorah HaRishon…
- … Sheye-ehoz Et ’ets Hayim Shel Sefer Hatorah HaSheni…
- … Sheyighlol Sefer Hatorah HaSheni…
- … Sheyaghbiya’…
- … Sheyelaveh Et Sifre Hatorah…
- … Sheya’amod Letsad Yemin Shel Sh”Ts Litfilat Mussaf (Hatan Torah)
- … Sheya’amod Letsad Semol Shel Sh”Ts Litfilat Mussaf (Hatan Beresheet)
- Cohanekhah, etc…
- Sefer Torah Rosh Hashanah First Day
- Two Sifre Torah:
- a. Vamonai Pakad Et Sarah.
- 5 Aliyot on Weekdays (A,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K,L,M)
- 7 Aliyot on Shabbat (B,G,J,N)
- b. Maftir
- End the offering formula: “Veyikhtebenu, HaKadosh Barukh Hu, BeSefer Hayim Tobim…”
- Recite the Kaddish after each Sefer Torah.
- At end of Mashlim and before the Mi Sheberakh, recite Kaddish.
- While 2nd Sefer Torah is placed on the reader’s desk and while the First one is removed, we sing “Elokim Tseba-ot.”
- Recite the Kaddish after 2nd Sefer Torah and “En Ka-el Yeshurun” while the 2nd Sefer Torah is removed.
- Philadelphia: After the Haftarah, if Shabbat, the Hashcabot are recited, as well as the prayers for the Government, State of Israel, and Congregation.
- The Hekhal doors are opened and the Hazzan goes down to the Hekhal for offerings. (There are no offerings after the return of the Sefer Torah.) End the offering formula: “Veyikhtebenu, HaKadosh Barukh Hu, BeSefer Hayim Tobim…”
- After the last offering, the Hazzan puts his Tallet over the head and intones: “’Et Sha’are Ratson Lehipateyah.” The choir and Kahal then take over. At this time, the Hazzan goes back to the Tebah, stands on the left side, lowers his Tallet and repeats after each stanza the word “Vehamizbeyah.” Except in the first and penultimate stanzas he repeats the three words “’oked Vehane’kad Vehamizbeyah.” He then repeats the whole last stanza. (Note: the different wordings for the third verse on Shabbat.)
- If it is Shabbat continue with Yehi Hasdekha.
- On weekdays, the Hazzan starts with “Amonai bekol shofar,” the choir and Kahal then take over and recite these three words only for the 1st three stanzas. He repeats the last three words of the third stanza. He does NOT chant the 1st three words of the last stanza, the choir and Kahal do. He does repeat the last three words of the last stanza.
- The Tokeya’ takes over, Tallet over his head and standing on the left side of the Tebah, with “’Ala Elokim Bitru’a” chanting each pasuk and repeated by the Kahal.
- In both blessings, the choir and Kahal sing the last words, repeated by the Tokeya’.
- The Kahal stands for the Berakha(ot) and sits down during the Teki’ot.
- After the Teki’ot Demeyosheb, the Tokeya’ lowers his Tallet.
- Yehi Hasdekha by the next Hazzan.
- Yimlokh and Mizmor LeDavid are to the Yamim Noraim tune.
- Sifre Torah are returned as usual.
- NO OFFERINGS are made here.
- The doors of the Hekhal remain open for Mussaf.
Mussaf, First Day
- The Seganim ascend the Tebah at the end of Kaddish Le’ela and before the ’Amidah the Hazzan puts his Tallet over the head.
- Mussaf is first read Belahash.
- The Hazarah is introduced by “Ohila.” The Keter is sung to the tune of “Amonai Bekol Shofar.” The Kahal sings “’Alenu Leshabeyah” and Hazzan repeats “Hakkadosh Barukh Hu.” After each Shofar blowing, the Hazzan starts “Hayom Harat ’Olam” (see the book for tunes) and recites the words “Lekha Teluyot.” The Hazzan starts the word “Halleluyah,” the choir and Kahal take over. Bircat Cohanim is sung to the tune of Hashkibenu.
- En Kelohenu to the tune of Yede Rashim.
- ’Alenu to the tune of Rosh Hashanah.
- At the end of ’Alenu the Hazzan lowers his Tallet, the Seganim descend from the Tebah and the doors of the Hekhal are closed for sermon.
- Sermon
- The doors of the Hekhal are reopened after sermon.
- Adon ’Olam to the Rosh Hashanah (Yede Rashim) tune.
- The doors of the Hekhal are closed at the end.
- It is not our custom to recite the Tashlikh.
Minhah, First Day
- The Hazzan wears his Tallet.
- In Ashre we sing “Tehillat” to the Shabbat tune (not to the Yede Rashim).
- If Shabbat we read from the Sefer Torah from Vayelekh or Ha’azinu.
- The Hekhal doors are opened and the Seganim ascend the Tebah without Tallet and the Hazzan puts the Tallet over his head at the end of the Kaddish.
- New York: One ’Amidah. (No Hazarah).
- Philadelphia: Amidah belahash then bekol ram.
- Kedushah to the tune of Yede Rashim.
- On Shabbat we do not recite Abinu Malkenu.
- On weekdays Abinu Malkenu is said immediately after the ’Amidah.
- Psalm 81 is recited as follows: Hazzan first starts the 1st passuk then half the 2nd. The Kahal responds the 2nd half of the passuk in an antiphonal manner, until the end.
- ’Alenu to the Rosh Hashanah tune.
- The Seganim descend, the Hekhal is closed and the Hazzan lowers his Tallet at the end of ’Alenu.
Arbit, Second Day
- After Minhah, the Parnas comes to the Tebah (Optional: while the choir sings the Mi Sheberakh).
- The Hazzan announces the Mitsvot as follows:
- Mi Sheberakh Abotenu Yebarekh Et Hagebir Peloni Bar Peloni Sheyiftah Et Sha’are Hahekhal Barekh Hu Lamonai.
- …Sheya’amod Letsad Yemin Shel Shaliyah Tsibbur Litfilat ’Arbit…
- …Sheya’amod Letsad Semol Shel Shaliyah Tsibbur Litfilat ’Arbit…
- …Sheyomar Hazemirot Litfilat Shahrit…
- …Sheyomar Amonai Hu Ha-elokim (Assistant Minister)…
- …Sheya’amod Letsad Yemin Shel Sh”Ts Litfilat Shahrit…
- …Sheya’amod Letsad Semol Shel Sh”Ts Litfilat Shahrit…
- …Sheyomar Hahaftarah…
- The Parnas then leaves the Tebah, returns to his seat and bows to the Hazzan who then intones the whole first Pasuk of Psalm 81 (Lamnatseyah ’Al HaGuitit LeAssaf). The choir and Kahal then take over the rest of the Psalm. The Hazzan repeats the last Pasuk.
- “Ahot Ketanah” is not said on the 2nd night.
- The Hekhal is opened while the Hazzan says “Vaya-akhilehu” and the Seganim ascend the Tebah (without Tallet). Before the Hazzan starts the Kaddish, he puts his Tallet over the head.
- The first part of the Kaddish is to the tune of Ahot Ketanah and the 2nd part, starting from Veyishtabah and including Barekhu, is to the tune of Yede Rashim.
- Continue as on regular Shabbat.
- At the end of Hashkibenu, the Hazzan repeats: “Ve’al Yerushalayim Amen.”
- After the Hashkibenu, the Choir and Kahal sing “Ubyom Simhat- khem” and the Hazzan repeats this pasuk.
- The end of the Kaddish before the ’Amidah is in a low tone.
- Continue with the Amidah.
- Halleluyah after the ’Amidah is started by the Hazzan.
- The Kaddish before ’Alenu Leshabeyah is started by the Hazzan to the tune of Yede Rashim. The Choir and Kahal continue from “Be’alema.” The Hazzan will start also “Yehe sheme Rabba Mebarakh” and “Yehe Shelama Rabba Min Shemaya.”
- ’Alenu is started by the Hazzan with the words “’Alenu Leshabeyah La-Adon Hakol.” The Hazzan will also repeat the words “HaKadosh Barukh Hu.” The end is repeated also by the Hazzan from “Ki Amonai Hu Ha-Elokim…”
- At the end of ’Alenu Leshabeyah, the Seganim descend from the Tebah.
- The Hazzan starts the Yigdal with “Yigdal Elokim Hay Veyishtabah” to the tune of “’Et Sha’are Raison” and the choir and Kahal continue till “Vetorato.” The Hazzan then starts from “Metim” till “’Ade ’Ad” and the choir and Kahal follow with “Shem Tehillato.”
- The Hekhal is then closed.
- After “Tekubbal” the Hazzan announces: “Shahrit tomorrow morning, will commence at 8 O’clock.”
Shahrit, Second Day
- Zemirot are started with “Tehillat” on Yede Rashim tune.
- “Amonai Hu Haelokim” is chanted as in the Selihot tune.
- “Amonai Melekh” is chanted as in the Selihot tune also.
- Hekhal is opened before Barukh She-amar.
- On p. 150 we DO say “Mizmor Letodah.”
- When the Hazzan starts Shahrit, the Seganim ascend the Tebah and the Hazzan puts his Tallet over the head.
- Shahrit is started with “Amonai Yom” p. 165 by the Hazzan. Afterwards, the Kahal takes over. The Hazzan starts every stanza and repeats the last line.
- we do NOT say Shofet on the 2nd day.
- “Nishmat” is started by the Hazzan to the tune of “Elokim Atah Yada’ta” and the Kahal takes over with the regular melody from “Umibal’adekha.”
- The “Ubkhen” before Yishtabah is sung by the Hazzan to its special tune. Similarly, the Berakhah has its special tune.
- “Yah Shimkha” is started by the Hazzan in the tune of Yede Rashim. The Hazzan starts every stanza and repeats the last “Yishtabah.”
- The 1st half of the Kaddish is the melody of “Shofet kol ha- arets” or “Ahot Ketanah.” The 2nd half will be like in ’Arbit (Yede Rashim).
- The choir will start singing at the Hazarah.
- In the Hazarah, the Kedushah is in the ’Alenu Leshabeyah melody.
- The Cohanim will say the Dukhan. If there are no Cohanim, then the Hazzan will say the Bircat Cohanim to the Hashkibenu tune.
- We say “Abinu Malkenu” p. 192 right after the Hazarah.
- After Kaddish Titkabbal, the Hekhal is closed, the Seganim descend from the Tebah, the Hazzan lowers his Tallet. New York: the Parnas comes to the Tebah.
- “Ya’ane Bebor Abot” is introduced by the Hazzan to the tune of “Amonai Bekol Shofar.” The Hazzan starts every stanza and repeats the last line.
- New York: The Hazzan recites the blessings for the Government, the Kahal and the State of Israel.
- No blessings for the Hatanim on the 2nd day.
- New York: Hashcabot.
- Choir does not sing “Mi Sheberakh.”
- The Hazzan bows to the Parnas, who is still seating on the Tebah (New York). The Parnas comes forward and then the Hazzan announces the Mitsvot as follows:
- … Sheyiftah Et Sha’are Hahekhal…
- … Sheyotsi Sefer Hatorah Harishon …
- … Sheyotsi Sefer Hatorah Hasheni …
- … Sheye-ehoz Et-ets Hayim Shel Sefer HaTorah HaRishon…
- … Sheyighlol Sefer Hatorah HaRishon…
- … Sheye-ehoz Et-ets Hayim Shel Sefer Hatorah HaSheni…
- … Sheyighlol Sefer Hatorah HaSheni…
- … Sheyaghbiya’…
- … Sheyelaveh Et Sifre Hatorah…
- … Sheya’amod Letsad Yemin Shel Sh”Ts Litfilat Mussaf
- .. Sheya’amod Letsad Semol Shel Sh”Ts Litfilat Mussaf
- Cohanekhah, etc…
- Sefer Torah Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day
- Two Sifre Torah:
- a – Vayhi Ahar Hadebarim Ha-elleh. (The Akedah, five Aliyot).
- b – Maftir (same as yesterday).
- End the offering formula: “Veyikhtebenu, HaKadosh Barukh Hu, BeSefer Hayim Tobim…”
- Recite the Kaddish after each Sefer Torah.
- At end of Mashlim and before the Mi Sheberakh, recite the kaddish.
- While 2nd Sefer Torah is placed on the reader’s desk and while the 1st one is removed, we sing “Elokim Tseba-ot.”
- Recite the Kaddish after 2nd Sefer Torah and “En Ka-el Yeshurun” while the 2nd Sefer Torah is removed.
- Immediately after the Haftarah (Philadelphia: Prayer for Government, Israel, and Congregation), the Hekhal doors are opened and the Hazzan goes down to the Hekhal for offerings. (There are no offerings after the return of the Sefer Torah.) End the offering formula: “Veyikhtebenu, HaKadosh Barukh Hu, BeSefer Hayim Tobim…”
- After the last offering, the Hazzan puts his Tallet over the head and intones: “’Et Sha’are Ratson Lehipateyah.” The choir and Kahal then take over. At this time, the Hazzan goes back to the Tebah, stands on the left side, lowers his Tallet and repeats after each stanza the word “Vehamizbeyah.” Except in the 1st and penultimate stanzas he repeats the three words “’oked Vehane’kad Vehamizbeyah.” He then repeats the whole last stanza.
- The Hazzan starts “Amonai bekol shofar,” the choir and Kahal then take over and recite these three words only for the 1st three stanzas. He repeats the last three words of the third stanza. He does NOT chant the 1st three words of the last stanza, the choir and Kahal do. He does repeat the last three words of the last stanza.
- The Tokeya’ takes over, Tallet over his head and standing on the left side of the Tebah, with “’Ala Elokim Bitru’a” chanting each pasuk and repeated by the Kahal.
- At the end of the blessing, (or blessings if it is Sunday) the choir and Kahal sing the last words, repeated by the Tokeya’.
- The Kahal stands up for the Berakha(ot) and sits down during the Teki’ot.
- After the Teki’ot Demeyosheb, the Tokeya’ lowers his Tallet.
- Yehi Hasdekha by the next Hazzan.
- New York: Yimlokh and Mizmor LeDavid are according to the High Holiday tune.
- Sifre Torah are returned as usual.
- NO OFFERINGS are made here.
- The doors of the Hekhal remain open for Mussaf.
- The Seganim ascend the Tebah at the end of the Kaddish Le’ela and before the ’Amidah the Hazzan puts his Tallet over the head.
Mussaf, Second Day
- Mussaf is first read Belahash.
- The Hazarah is introduced by “Ohila.” The Keter is sung to the tune of “Ahot Ketanah.” The Kahal sings “’Alenu Leshabeyah” and Hazzan repeats “Hakkadosh Barukh Hu.” After each Shofar, the Hazzan starts “Hayom Harat ’Olam” (see the book for tunes) and recites the words “Lekha Teluyot.” The Hazzan starts the word “Halleluyah,” the choir and Kahal take over. Bircat Cohanim is sung to the tune of Hashkibenu.
- En Kelohenu to the tune of Yede Rashim.
- ’Alenu to the tune of Rosh Hashanah.
- At the end of ’Alenu the Hazzan lowers his Tallet, the Seganim descend from the Tebah and the doors of the Hekhal are closed for sermon.
- Sermon
- The doors of the Hekhal are reopened after sermon.
- Adon ’Olam to the Rosh Hashanah tune.
- The doors of the Hekhal are closed at the end.
Minhah, Second Day
- The Hazzan wears his Tallet.
- In Ashre we sing “Tehillat” to the Shabbat tune (not Yede Rashim).
- The Hekhal doors are opened and the Seganim ascend the Tebah without Tallet and the Hazzan puts the Tallet over his head at the end of the Kaddish.
- New York: One ’Amidah. (No Hazarah).
- Philadelphia: One Amidah belahash, then the Hazzarah bekol ram.
- Kedushah to the tune of Yede Rashim.
- On the eve of Shabbat we do not recite Abinu Malkenu.
- Psalm 81 is recited as follows: Hazzan first starts the 1st passuk then half the 2nd. The Kahal responds the 2nd half of the passuk in an antiphonal manner, until the end.
- ’Alenu to the Rosh Hashanah tune.
- The Seganim descend, the Hekhal is closed and the Hazzan lowers his Tallet at the end of ’Alenu.