Simhat Torah

Simhat Torah

‘Arbit Simhat Torah

  • The Parnas comes to the Tebah and the Hazzan announces the Mitsvot for the opening of the doors of the Hekhal (Hatan Beresheet), the Zemirot and the Haftarah. The Parnas comes down from the Tebah and goes to the hallway to join the Hatanim.
  • While the choir sings “Barukh Habbah” the Hatanim walk in; the Hatan Torah with the Parnas through the north door and the Hatan Beresheet (wearing his Tallet) accompanied by the Segan through the south door.
  • The Hazzan starts Psalm 12, “‘Al HaSheminit” and choir and Kahal take over. The Hazzan repeats from “Sabib Resha’im…” to the Succot tune and the Hatan Beresheet opens the door of the Hekhal.
  • The Hazzan then sings Esh-al for the Hatan Torah and then Ahaleh for Hatan Beresheet.
  • The first half of the Kaddish is to the festive melody and the 2nd half to the Despedida melody.
  • Service continues as indicated in book.
  • After the ‘Amidah, Kaddish Titkabbal, followed by Psalm 122 “Samahti” sung by the choir and Kahal.
  • The festival Kaddish is sung p. 43.
  • The Yigdal is sung to a special Simhat Torah melody.
  • After the Yigdal, the Hazzan sings, accompanied by the choir, the Tenu Shebahah followed by its blessing as on page 115, first for the Hatan Torah. Afterwards the Hazzan starts with “Tehillat Amonai” and the choir takes over. He sings similarly for the Hatan Beresheet as on p. 116. Afterwards the Hazzan starts with “Va-anahnu” and the choir takes over.
  • After Tekubbal, the Hazzan announces: “The Hakkafot will now commence.” The Hekhal remains open for the Hakkafot. New York: The choir then comes down to the men’s south section. The Sifre Torah are then taken out (usually, the Trustees are the carriers for the first Hakkafah). The first Sefer Torah is brought to the Tebah and remains on the Tebah during all seven Hakkafot. In one of the Hakkafot (usually the third) we include the children. If the choir sings a piyut that is in responsive mode the Hazzan should be available.
  • The last Hakkafah is Mizmor LeDavid preceded by Yimlokh for the return of the Sifre Torah after which the Hekhal is closed. At this time the Hazzan announces: “Moadim LeSimhah” to conclude the service.
  • No Succah. However, children, parents and guests go to the auditorium (or foyer) for a light meal with Kiddush for the Mo’ed.

Shahrit Simhat Torah

  • Zemirot are started with “Tehillat” on the Despedida tune.
  • “Amonai Melekh” is chanted on the Despedida tune also.
  • We recite Psalm 12 “‘Al HaSheminit” in the Zemirot.
  • The Hekhal doors are opened at Barukh She-amar.
  • Before Nishmat, the Hazzan starts with “Todot El,” in honor of the Hatanim.
  • The 1st half of the Kaddish preceding Barekhu in festive melody is introduced from “Haboher Beshire.” The 2nd half is in the Despedida festive melody.
  • Service continues as indicated in the festival book
  • Dukhan by Cohanim.
  • After the ‘Amidah (Reminder: Mashib Haruah), we recite the FULL Hallel. The melodies in Hallel are Despedida and festive.
  • New York: The Hatanim enter during Barukh Habbah.
  • After the Kaddish Titkabbal, the Hazzan intones “Lamnatseyah Binghinot” and the choir and Kahal follow. The Hazzan then continues with the various Mi Sheberakhs.
  • The Parnas comes to the Tebah and the mitsvot for the Sefer Torah are announced as follows:
    • … Sheyiftah Et Sha’are Hahekhal…
    • … (Hatan Torah) Sheyotsi Sefer Hatorah Harishon (rolled to Beresheet)..
    • … (Hatan Beresheet) Sheyotsi Sefer Hatorah Hasheni (rolled to Maftir)..
    • … Sheyotsi Sefer Hatorah Hashelishi (rolled to Vezot Haberakhah.)..
    • … She-ehoz ‘Ets Hayim shel Sefer Hatorah Harishon (Hasheni) (Hashelishi)…
    • … Sheyighlol Sefer Hatorah Harishon (Hasheni) (Hashelishi)…
    • … Sheyaghbiya’…
    • … Sheyelaveh Et Sifre Hatorah…
    • Cohanekhah, etc…
  • When the procession starts the Hatan Torah (with Sefer Torah rolled to Beresheet) goes to the seat of the Parnas. The Hatan Beresheet (with the Sefer Torah rolled to Maftir) goes to the seat of the Segan. The third carrier (with the Sefer Torah rolled to Vezot HaBerakhah) goes to the Tebah. The Hekhal remains open.
  • Sefer Torah Simhat Torah

  • The Hazzan reads from Vezot Haberakhah for SIX persons in the regular Ta’amim till Tidrosh.
  • The Hatan Torah is then called with “Hatan Na’im ‘Aleh” see p.268 & p. 269. The Choir takes over. Similarly for “Yebarekhekha Amonai.” (In New York, we do not say the third stanza).
  • The Hatan Torah comes accompanied and carrying his Sefer to the Tebah and gives the Sefer Torah he is carrying to the one who carried the Sefer Torah of Vezot Haberakhah and says his Berakhah. The Hazzan offers the Yad to the Hatan Torah and he or the Hazzan reads, in High Na’um, repeating the entire Vezot Haberakhah and continuing till the end. At the end, the Kahal and the Hazzan say: “Hazzak Venit-hazzak….” The Hatan Torah then recites the final Berakhah of the Torah, and the Hazzan recites the Mi Sheberakh. The Hatan Torah remains on the Tebah.
  • The Sefer Torah (Beresheet) that was carried by the Hatan Torah is placed on the Reader’s desk to the left of the Vezot Haberakhah Sefer Torah. (Without any Pesukim or Hafsakah).
  • The Hazzan, now calls up the Hatan Beresheet in the same manner as the Hatan Torah.
  • The Hatan Beresheet comes accompanied and carrying his Sefer Torah to the Tebah and gives the Sefer Torah he is carrying to the one who carried the Sefer Torah of Vezot Haberakhah and says his Berakhah. The Hazzan offers the Yad to the Hatan Torah and he or the Hazzan starts by saying the words “Besimana Tabah” and then looks into the Sefer Torah and reads the first chapter of Beresheet in the High Na’um. The Hatan Torah then recites the final Berakhah of the Torah. AT THIS POINT, THE HAZZAN RECITES THE KADDISH and then the Mi Sheberakh.
  • The Hatan Beresheet then takes the sefer Torah of Beresheet and the Hatan Torah takes the one of Vezot Haberakhah after the Maftir Sefer is placed on the Tebah, while the Hazzan sings slowly “Elokim Tseba-ot….”
  • After the Sifre Torah have been dressed (with the cloaks only), the Hazzan intones: “Lekhu Hatanim…” and the Hatanim, accompanied, go to their respective seats.
  • The Hazzan then calls the Maftir, etc…
  • Recite the Kaddish after 3rd Sefer Torah and “En Ka-el Yeshurun” while the 3rd Sefer Torah is removed.
  • The Haftarah includes the Pesukim “Sos assis…” which are first sung by the Kahal then repeated by the Haftarah reader.
  • Yehi Hasdekha by the next Hazzan.
  • At the Yimlokh, the Hatanim come back from their seats to the Tebah, with their respective Sefer Torah, and stand there until the words “Mizmor Ledavid” are sung. They then go down the Tebah in the following order: Hatan Torah (with Sefer Torah Vezot Haberakhah), Hatan Beresheet (with Sefer Torah Beresheet), third who carries Sefer Torah Maftir, Hazzan, Parnas, 1st Trustee, 2nd Trustee, and Accompagnan.
  • Offerings are ended with: “Veyesamehenu, HaKadosh Barukh Hu, Besimhat Hareghel….”
  • The Hekhal remains open.

Mussaf Simhat Torah

  • The Mussaf is read as on Succot. (Remember: Mashib Haru- wah…)
  • The Hazzan says the Bircat Cohanim.
  • After the Mussaf, the Hazzan continues with “Kol Yisrael” as on Succot.
  • After Adon ‘Olam, the Mi Sheberakhs are sung by the Hazzan for the Hatan Torah and Hatan Beresheet, see page 115 and page 116. The TENU SHEBAHAH was tried once in the morning also.

Minhah Simhat Torah

  • As indicated in book.
  • Kedushah and Kaddish are to the Despedida tune.
  • Psalms 12 “‘Al HaSheminit.”
  • Announce at the end of Service “Lashanah Haba-ah…” see p. 473.