Nissan and Pessah
2-13 Nissan Hol
- Regular without Tahanunim.
- At the end of ‘Alenu, recite “Yonati Behagve Hasela” if Kaddish is required.
- Regular without Tahanunim
- Regular
Shabbat HaGadol
New York: Consecration Shabbat (Sifre Torah cloaks are festive because of the consecration anniversary of the 70th Street building in 1897).
Minhah Friday Afternoon
- regular.
- After Minhah give Mitzvot for the Zemirot and Haftarah.
- Kabbalat Shabbat is regular including Bame Madlikin.
- The Kaddish after “Amar Ribi El’azar” is recited by the Abel.
- New York: The Hekhal is opened at the end of psalm 93 (Hamonai Malakh) because of the consecration anniversary.
- The Kaddish, in festive melody, is introduced from “Lebetekha.”
- The Yigdal melody is festive.
- The Hekhal is closed at the end of service.
Shabbat Morning
- Zemiroth are started with “Tehilat” in a festive melody.
- “Amonai Melekh” is chanted in a festive melody also.
- If the minyan is late, introduce the Kaddish with “Ribi Hananiah Ben ‘Akashia…” after the “Great Hallel” (Hodu Le’el Hashamayim Ki le’olam Hasdo).
- New York: The Hekhal is opened at Barukh She-amar because of the consecration anniversary.
- Before Nishmat the Hazzan sings Todot El on page 342 (for the consecration anniversary).
- The Kaddish in festive melody is introduced from “Haboher Beshire.”
- In Hazara, Kedushah is in festive melody.
- The Hekhal is closed at the end of Kaddish Titkabbal.
- New York: Before the prayer for the Government, the choir sings Psalm 67 introduced by the Hazzan. After the prayer for the Government, the Hazzan starts Tehillat on page 342 and the choir takes over. After the blessing for the Congregation and for the State of Israel, the Hazzan starts Va- anahnu on page 342 then taken over by the choir.
- Philadelphia: The prayer for the Governments and the Congregation are recited after the Haftarah and Hashcabot.
- Hashcabot are then recited including the special ones for this consecration Shabbat.
- Sefer Torah
- One Sefer Torah
- Haftarat Shabbat Hagadol is usually read by the Minister.
- New York: After the Sefer Torah is returned to the Hekhal the doors are left open because the sermon will be given before Adon’Olam (because of the consecration anniversary).
- En Kelohenu melody’s are festive.
- The doors of the Hekhal are closed at the end of ‘Alenu.
- At the end of ‘Alenu, the choir sings Emet Malkenu while the minister goes to the pulpit for the sermon.
- After the sermon, the choir and Kahal sing Adon ‘Olam in festive melody.
- No perpetual Hashkabot, no Tsidkatekha, no Pessukim.
Arbit Motsa’e Shabbat: (Except if Pesah Falls on a Sunday)
- Regular without “Shuba ‘Ad Matai.”
- Regular, but omit Mizmor Letodah (Psalm 100), omit also the Tahanunim (as done during the whole month of Nissan)
- At the end of ‘Alenu, recite “Yonati Behagve Hasela’…” if Kaddish is required.
- After the service, a Siyum takes place at the end of which the Kaddish Derabannan is sung by those present. (The middle section – ‘Al Yisrael- is recited by the Hazzan.)
Shahrit on Friday
- Minhah on Friday
- Note: Since Pessah falls on Sunday, today is Shabbat Hagadol.
- Shabbat Hagadol
Minhah Ereb Pessah
- regular without change in melodies.
‘Arbit of Pessah 1st Day
- After Minhah, Parnas comes to the Tebah.
- The Hazzan gives out the Mitsvot for the Zemirot and Haftarah.
- The Parnas then returns to his seat and bows to the Hazzan who nods to the choir which, if Shabbat, sings Psalms 92 & 93.
- On weekdays or at the end of Psalm 93 (on Shabbat), the Hazzan intones the whole first Passuk of Psalm 107, the Hazzan will interject four times at the “Yodu La…”
- The melody for the following Kaddish is the Pessah melody with the second part recited to the melody of Tikkun HaTal (Lekh LeShalom Geshem).
- Service continues as on Shabbat till Hashkibenu.
- If it is Shabbat, we sing Veshameru.
- The choir starts Elleh Mo’adeh and is repeated by the Hazzan.
- If Shabbat, after the ‘Amidah, the Hazzan recites Vayekhulu Hashamayim. However, because it is Lel Shimurim, we do not recite the Me’en Sheba’.
- The full Hallel is recited with the festive and Pessah melodies.
- New York: Hallel
, sung by Judah Guedalia (z”l)
- New York: Hallel
- Kaddish Titkabbal follows the Hallel.
- We then recite Psalm 114 (Betset Yisrael).
- Then Kaddish, Alenu, and Yigdal. The Yigdal is sung in the Pessah melody.
- NOTE: This evening service should not be lead too slowly since it is a long one.
Shahrit Pessah 1st Day
- Zemiroth are started with “Tehilat” in a festive melody.
- On Shabbat we add “Ubyom HaShabbat” on page 136.
- “Amonai Melekh” is chanted in a festive melody also.
- Include Psalm 107 (Hodu La…) after Psalm 91 (Yosheb Beseter).
- On Shabbat we add the first verse of Psalm 92.
- If the minyan is late, introduce the Kaddish with “Ribi Hananiah Ben ‘Akashia…” after the “Great Hallel” (Hodu Le’el Hashamayim Ki le’olam Hasdo).
- Kaddish in festive melody introduced from “Haboher Beshire.”
- In Hazara, Kedushah is in festive melody.
- Dukhan by the Cohanim.
- At the end of the Hazara, the full Hallel is read with the Berakhah “Ligmor Et HaHallel.”
- Hallel is followed by Kaddish Titkabbal.
- New York: After the prayer for the Government, the congregation, and the State of Israel, the Hazzan recites the Mi Sheberakh for Matenat Yad (page 208). We no longer say the special Hashcabot of the day.
- Philadelphia: The prayer for the Governments and the Congregation are recited after the Haftarah and Hashcabot.
- Sefer Torah
- Two Sifre Torah:
- a- If Shabbat, Vehaya Hayom Hazzeh, on weekdays Mishkhu Uqhu.
- b- Maftir
- Recite the Kaddish after each Sefer Torah.
- At the end of Mashlim and before the Mi Sheberakh, recite the Kaddish.
- While the 2nd Sefer Torah is placed on the reader’s desk and while the 1st one is removed, we sing “Elokim Tseba-ot.”
- Recite the Kaddish after the 2nd Sefer Torah and “En Ka-el Yeshurun” while the 2nd Sefer Torah is removed.
- Yehi Hasdekha by the next Hazzan.
- Sifre Torahs are returned, as usual.
- Offerings are ended with: “Veyesamehenu, HaKadosh Barukh Hu, Besimhat Hareghel…”
- The Hekhal’s doors are left open for the Mussaf and Tikkun Hattal.
- At the end of the Kaddish, announce: “Moreed Hattal Librakha.”
- The ‘Amida is first said silently.
- The Hazarah is started from p. 302.
- En Kelohenu and Adon ‘Olam melodies’ are festive to the tune of Lekh Leshalom Geshem.
- The sermon is given before ‘Alenu.
- The Hekhal is closed at the end of Adom ‘Olam.
Minhah 1st day Pessah
- Fifteen minutes before Minhah the 1st half of Shir Hashirim is recited by Hazzanim and Yehidim preceded by Yonati… and concluded by Hayoshebet…. This in turn is followed by Kaddish Yehe Shelama Rabbah.
- Minhah is as indicated in the book.
- If Shabbat, we read from the Sefer Torah the coming week’s Cohen’s portion (Shemini or Ahare Mot).
- Psalm 107 (Hodu Lamonai KiTob) is recited antiphonally by the Hazzan and the Yehidim.
- If Shabbat, no Hashcabot, no tsidkatekha and no Pessukim.
‘Arbit of Pessah 2nd Day
- After Minhah, Parnas comes to the Tebah.
- The Hazzan gives out the Mitsvot for the Zemirot and Haftarah.
- The Parnas then returns to his seat and bows to the Hazzan who intones the whole first Passuk of Psalm 107 (Hodu Lamonai Ki Tob). The Hazzan will interject four times at the “Yodu La….”
- The melody for the following Kaddish is the Pessah melody with the second part recited to a festival melody.
- Service continues as on Shabbat till Hashkibenu.
- Because it is not Shabbat we don’t say Veshameru.
- The choir sings Elleh Mo’adeh and is repeated by the Hazzan.
- After Kaddish if it is Mosae Shabbat, the Hazzan announces: “Omerim Vatodi’enu”
- After the ‘Amidah, the full Hallel is recited with the festive and Pessah melodies.
- Kaddish Titkabbal follows the Hallel.
- If time is appropriate, we recite the ‘Omer followed by Psalm 67 (Lamnatseyah).
- We then recite Psalm 114 (Betset Yisrael).
- Then Kaddish, Alenu, and Yigdal. The Yigdal is sung according to the Pessah melody.
- NOTE: This evening, the service should not be lead too slowly since it is a long one.
Shahrit Pessah 2nd Day
- Zemiroth are started with “Tehilat” in a festive melody.
- “Amonai Melekh” is chanted in a festive melody also.
- Include Psalm 107 (Hodu La…) after Psalm 91 (Yosheb Beseter).
- If the minyan is late, introduce the Kaddish with “Ribi Hananiah Ben ‘Akashia…” after the “Great Hallel” (Hodu Le’el Hashamayim Ki le’olam Hasdo).
- The Kaddish in festive melody is introduced from “Haboher Beshire.”
- In Hazara, Kedushah is in festive melody.
- At the end of the Hazara, the full Hallel is read with the Berakhah “Ligmor Et HaHallel.”
- Hallel is followed by Kaddish Titkabbal.
- New York: Afterwards the Hazzan recites the prayer for the Government, the congregation, and the State of Israel. We no longer say the special Hashcabot of the day.
- Philadelphia: The prayer for the Governments and the Congregation are recited after the Haftarah.
- Sefer Torah
- Two Sifre Torah:
- a- Shor O Kheseb
- b- Maftir
- Recite the Kaddish after each Sefer Torah.
- At the end of Mashlim and before the Mi Sheberakh, recite the Kaddish.
- While the 2nd Sefer Torah is placed on the reader’s desk and while the 1st one is removed, we sing “Elokim Tseba-ot.”
- Recite the Kaddish after the 2nd Sefer Torah and “En Ka-el Yeshurun” while the 2nd Sefer Torah is removed.
- Yehi Hasdekha by the next Hazzan.
- Sifre Torah are returned, as usual.
- Offerings are ended with: “Veyesamehenu, HaKadosh Barukh Hu, Besimhat Hareghel…”-
- Haftara is recited.
- The Misheberakh includes the phrase: “Veyesamehenu Hakadosh Barukh Hu Besimhat Haregel…”
Mussaf 2nd day of Pessah
- The Mussaf is started from p. 285.
- En Kelohenu and Adon ‘Olam melodies’ are festive.
- The sermon is given after ‘Alenu.
Minhah 2nd day of Pessah
- Fifteen minutes before Minhah the 2nd half of Shir Hashirim is recited by the Hazzanim and Yehidim preceded by Yonati… and concluded by Hayoshebet. This in turn is followed by Kaddish Yehe Shelama Rabbah.
- Minhah is as indicated in the book.
- Psalm 107 (Hodu Lamonai KiTob) is recited antiphonally by the Hazzan and the Yehidim.
- No Hashcabot and no Pessukim.
Minhah Hol Hamoed Pessah and Eve of Shabbat
- As indicated in the festival book.
- We do not recite psalm 93, Amonai Malakh, instead we recite Psalm 114, Betset Yisrael.
‘Arbit Shel Shabbat and Hol HaMo’ed Pessah
- The Hazzan announces the Mitsvot for the Zemirot and the Haftarah.
- The Hazzan starts as on regular Shabbat from “Mizmor LeDavid” except that we skip “Bame Madlikin.” Kaddish Derabbanan is said by Abel.
- The first half of the Kaddish is to the Pessah tune and the 2nd half is to a festive melody.
- Service continues as indicated in the book WITHOUT “Eleh Mo’Ade….” Before the ‘Amidah, announce: Omerim Ya’aleh Veyabo.
- After the ‘Amidah, Me’en Sheba’, Kaddish Titkabbal, followed by Psalm 114 (Betset Yisrael) sung by the Hazzan and Kahal.
- The festival Kaddish is sung on page 43.
The Yigdal is sung to a special festive melody.
Shahrit Shel Shabbat and Hol HaMo’ed Pessah
- Zemirot are started with “Tehillat” on a festive tune.
- “Amonai Melekh” is chanted on a festive tune also.
- We DO NOT recite Psalm 107, Hodu Lamonai Ki Tob, in the Zemirot.
- The 1st half of the Kaddish preceding Barekhu in Pessah melody is introduced from “Haboher Beshire.” The 2nd half is in festive melody as on the last night.
- After the ‘Amidah, we recite the Hatsi Hallel. The melodies in Hallel are festive.
- New York: The Hazzan recites the prayer for the Government, for the State of Israel, and for the Congregation.
- The Parnas comes to the desk and the Mitsvot for the Sifre Torah are announced.
- Sefer Torah Shel Shabbat & Hol HaMo’ed Pessah
- Two Sifre Torah:
- a- Re-eh Attah (Ki Tissa)
- b- Maftir
- Recite the Kaddish after each Sefer Torah.
- At the end of Mashlim and before the Mi Sheberakh, recite The Kaddish.
- While 2nd Sefer Torah is placed on the reader’s desk and while the 1st one is removed, we sing “Elokim Tseba-ot.”
- Recite the Kaddish after 2nd Sefer Torah and “En Ka-el Yeshurun” while the 2nd Sefer Torah is removed.
- The Berakhot after the Haftarah are those for REGULAR Shabbat.
- Philadelphia: The Hazzan recites the prayer for the Government, for the State of Israel, and for the Congregation (after the Hashcabot).
- Yehi Hasdekha by the next Hazzan.
- Sifre Torah are returned as usual.
- Offerings are ended with: “Veyesamehenu, HaKadosh Barukh Hu, Besimhat Hareghel….”
- New York: The sermon is given after the return of the Sifre Torah.
Mussaf Shel Shabbat & Hol HaMo’ed Pessah
- After the Kaddish we recite the Mussaf of Yom Tob without the word “TOB” on page 289.
- After the Musaf, the Hazzan says the Kaddish Titkabbal.
- The Hazzan starts “Kol Yisrael” as on every Shabbat.
- En Kelohenu and Adon Olam are in festive Melody.
- Minhah Shabbat and Hol HaMo’ed Pessah
- As indicated in the book
- Sefer Torah reading: Next Shabbat’s Parashah.
- No Hashcabot, No Tsidkatekha.
- Read as on regular Shabbat “Halleluyah Odeh Amonai.”
- At the end of Service, No Pesukim.
‘Arbit Motsa-e Shabbat Hol HaMo’ed Pessah
- Start from “Utshu’at…”
- Before the ‘Amidah announce:”Omerim Atah Honantanu VeYa’aleh Veyaboh.”
- After the ‘Amidah recite Yehi Shem, Kaddish Le’ela, “Orekh Yamim Asbi’enu Ve-ar-ehu Bishu’ati,” “Veatah Kaddosh…”, and Kaddish Titkabbal.
- After the Kaddish Titkabbal, we recite the Omer, and the Habdalah is then recited starting from Sabri Maranan over Yayyin, Besamim and Or.
- After the Habdalah, Betset Yisrael, Kaddish and ‘Alenu.
- If there is an Abel, recite some Pesukim to enable him to recite the Kaddish.
Shahrit Hol HaMo’ed Pessah
- Service starts at 7:30 A.M. (No Tefillin).
- Zemirot are usually read by a Yahid.
- Zemirot are started with Tehillat in festive melody.
- Amonai Melekh is in festive Melody also.
- The Hazzan reads ALL Kaddishim except the first one, the Kaddish Derabanan.
- The Shirat Hayam is sung in a somewhat faster pace.
- The ‘Amidah is read with the Ya’aleh Veyaboh.
- After the Hazarah, the Hatsi Hallel is read. The Melodies are festive.
- After Hallel, Kaddish Titkabbal.
- Sefer Torah Hol HaMo’ed Pessah
- Yehi Amonai ‘Imanu, Barukh Hamakom, etc…, as on page 382.
- Two Sefre Torah, follow instruction in the book.
- 1st Sefer Torah:
- 1- Cohen
- 2- Levi
- 3- 3rd
- 2nd Sefer Torah:
- 4- 4th
- After the Torah reading, Kaddish, Ashre, and Uba LeTsion.
- The Sifre Torahs are then returned with Yehallelu followed by Kaddish Le’ela.
Mussaf Hol HaMo’ed Pessah
- Start Regular Mussaf, as on page 393. After Kedushah, go to page 287 for the rest of Mussaf of Yom Tob and OMIT the word TOB.
- After the return of the Sefer Torah, the Hazzan reads the Kaddish Titkabbal. – The Hazzan then starts Hodu Lamonay KiTob.
- Then Kaddish, followed by “Kaveh…”, then En Kelohenu, sung to a festive melody.
- Adon ‘Olam in festive melody. If Abel, then Pesukim.
Minhah Hol HaMo’ed Pessah
- No Pitum Haketoret. Sing Tehillat in Ashre.
- Add Ya’aleh Veyabo in the ‘Amidah.
- After the Kaddish Titkabbal say “Betset Yisrael, Psalm 114.
- Hazzan says all Kaddishim.
‘Arbit Hol HaMo’ed Pessah
- Start from “Utshu’at….”
- Announce before the ‘Amidah: “Omerim Ya’aleh Veyaboh.”
- Hazzan says all Kaddishim.
- Instead of Shir Lama’alot we say Samahti.
- Before Betset Yisrael, we recite the Sefirat HaOmer, if it is the appropriate time.
- If Abel is present, say Pesukim for Kaddish.
New York: Consecration Shabbat of the First building (1730).
Minhah Eve of 7th day of Pessah
Regular as on Hol Hamoed without change in melodies. If on the eve of Shabbat, then we continue to recite Psalm 114 Betset Yisrael instead of Amonai Malakh.
‘Arbit of Shabbat & Pessah 7th Day
- After Minhah, Parnas comes to the Tebah.
- The Hazzan gives out the Mitsvot for the Zemirot and Haftarah.
- The Parnas then returns to his seat and bows to the Hazzan who nods to the choir which then sings, if Shabbat, Psalms 92 & 93.
- At the end of Psalm 93 the Hazzan intones the whole first Passuk of Psalm 107. The Hazzan will interject four times at the “Yodu La…” If it is a weekday, then start with Psalm 107.
- The melody for the following Kaddish is the Shira melody.
- New York: The Hekhal doors are opened because of the consecration anniversary.
- Service continues as on Shabbat till Hashkibenu.
- If it is Shabbat, we sing Veshameru.
- The choir starts Elleh Mo’adeh and is repeated by the Hazzan.
- If it is Shabbat, after the ‘Amidah, the Hazzan recites Vayekhulu Hashamayim.
- After Kaddish Titkabbal, we recite the Sefirat HaOmer, if it is at the appropriate time.
- We then recite Psalm 114 (Betset Yisrael).
- The Yigdal is in the Shira Melody.
New York: The Hekhal doors are closed at the end of Yigdal.
Shahrit Pessah 7th Day
- Zemiroth are started with “Tehilat” in the Shira melody.
- “Amonai Melekh” is chanted in a festive melody also.
- Include Psalm 107 (Hodu La…) after Psalm 91 (Yosheb Beseter).
- On Shabbat we add the first verse of Psalm 92.
- If the minyan is late, introduce the Kaddish with “Ribi Hananiah Ben ‘Akashia…” after the “Great Hallel” (Hodu Le’el Hashamayim Ki le’olam Hasdo).
- New York: The Hekhal doors are opened before Barukh She’Amar because of the consecration anniversary.
- The Shira is read according to the High Na’Um Te’Amim. We also add Ki Ba Sus Par’Oh… until Amonai Rofe’ekha.
- The Kaddish in Shira melody is introduced from “Haboher Beshire.”
- In Hazara, Kedushah is in Shira melody.
- At the end of the Hazara, the Hatsi Hallel is read with the Berakhah “Likro Et HaHallel.”
- Hallel, in Shira and festival melodies, is followed by Kaddish Titkabbal.
- The Hekhal doors are closed at the end of Kaddish Titkabbal.
- New York: After the prayer for the Government, the congregation, and the State of Israel, the Hazzan recites the Mi Sheberakh for Matenat Yad (page 208). We no longer say the special Hashcabot of the day.
- Sefer Torah
- Two Sifre Torah:
- a- Beshalah
- b- Maftir
- Kaddish after 1st Sefer Torah.
- While 2nd Sefer Torah is placed on the reader’s desk and while the 1st is removed, we sing “Elokim Tseba’ot.”
- Kaddish after 2nd Sefer Torah and “En Ka’el Yeshurun” while the 2nd Sefer Torah is removed.
- Haftara is recited.
- Philadelphia: The Hazzan recites the prayer for the Government, the State of Israel, and the Congregation after the Haftarah.
- Philadelphia: The sermon is given after the return of the Sefer Torah.
Mussaf 7th day of Pessah
- New York: The Hekhal’s doors are left open for the Mussaf, because of the consecration anniversary.
- The Mussaf is started from page 285.
- En Kelohenu and Adon ‘Olam melodies’ are Shira’s.
- New York: The sermon is given before ‘Alenu.
- New York: The Hekhal is closed at the end of Adom ‘Olam.
Minhah 7th day Pessah
- Minhah is as indicated in the book.
- If it is Shabbat, then Parashah of next Shabbat is read.
- Psalm 107 (Hodu Lamonai KiTob) is recited antiphonally by the Hazzan and the Yehidim.
- No Hashcabot, no Tsidkatekha and no Pessukim.
‘Arbit of Pessah 8th Day
- After Minhah, Parnas comes to the Tebah.
- The Hazzan gives out the Mitsvot for the Zemirot and Haftarah.
- The Parnas then returns to his seat and bows to the Hazzan.
- If Shabbat, he signals to the choir to start Psalm 92, Mizmor Shir L’Yom HaShabbat. He then intones the whole first Passuk of Psalm 107. The Hazzan will interject four times at the “Yodu La….”
- The melody for the following Kaddish is the Despedida.
- Service continues as on Shabbat till Hashkibenu.
- If it is Shabbat, we say Veshameru.
- The choir and Congregation sing Elleh Mo’adeh and is repeated by the Hazzan.
- After the Kaddish, if it is Motsae Shabbat, the Hazzan announces: “Omerim Vatodi’enu.”
- If it is Shabbat, we recite Vayekhulu Hashamayim and Bircat Me’en Sheba.
- Kaddish Titkabbal follows.
- If time is appropriate, we recite the ‘Omer.
- We then recite Psalm 114 (Betset Yisrael).
- Kaddish, Alenu, and Yigdal to the special Pessah melody.
Shahrit Pessah 8th Day
- Zemiroth are started with “Tehilat” in the Despedida.
- “Amonai Melekh” is chanted in the Despedida melody also.
- Include Psalm 107 (Hodu La…) after Psalm 91 (Yosheb Beseter).
- On Shabbat we add the first verse of Psalm 92.
- If the minyan is late, introduce the Kaddish with “Ribi Hananiah Ben ‘Akashia…” after the “Great Hallel” (Hodu Le’el Hashamayim Ki le’olam Hasdo).
- The Kaddish in Despedida is introduced from “Haboher Beshire.”
- In Hazara, Kedushah is in Despedida melody.
- At the end of the Hazara, the Hatsi Hallel is read with the Berakhah “Likro Et HaHallel.”
- Hallel, in festive and Despedida melodies, is followed by Kaddish Titkabbal.
- New York: Afterwards the Hazzan recites the prayer for the Government, the congregation, and the State of Israel. We no longer say the special Hashcabot of the day.
- Sefer Torah
- Two Sifre Torah:
- a- Shor O Kheseb
- b- Maftir
- Recite the Kaddish after each Sefer Torah.
- At the end of Mashlim and before the Mi Sheberakh, recite the Kaddish.
- While the 2nd Sefer Torah is placed on the reader’s desk and while the 1st one is removed, we sing “Elokim Tseba-ot.”
- Recite the Kaddish after the 2nd Sefer Torah and “En Ka-el Yeshurun” while the 2nd Sefer Torah is removed.
- Offerings are ended with: “Veyesamehenu, HaKadosh Barukh Hu, Besimhat Hareghel…”
- Haftara is recited.
- The Misheberakh includes the phrase: “Veyesamehenu Hakadosh Barukh Hu Besimhat Haregel…”
- The sermon follows the return of the Sefer Torah.
- Philadelphia: The Hazzan recites the prayer for the Government, the State of Israel, and the Congregation.
- The Mussaf is started from page 285.
- En Kelohenu and Adon ‘Olam melodies’ are Despedida’s.
- Adon Olam is the Despedida melody, also.
Minhah 8th day Pessah
- Minhah is as indicated in the book.
- Kedushah is to the Despedida melody. Psalm 107 (Hodu Lamonai KiTob) is recited antiphonally by the Hazzan and the Yehidim.
- No Hashcabot, no tsidkatekha and no Pessukim.
- At the conclusion we recite “Bashana…” on page 473.
‘Arbit Motsa’e Pessah
- Start from: “Utshu’at Tsadikim…”
- Continue as on week days.
- Before ‘Amidah, announce “Omerim Ata Honantanu.”
- After ‘Amidah, Yehi Shem, Kaddish Titkabbal, Omer 8th day. Lamnatseyah, Kaddish for Abelim Barakhu and ‘Alenu.
- Habdalah over wine only, if it’s a weekday, starting with Sabri Maranan. If it’s Motsae Shabbat, then we add Besamim and Ner.
Shahrit Isru Hag
- Regular Hol until after the ‘Amidah.
- No Tahanunim (until the end of the month of Nissan).
- After Kaddish Titkabbal, immediately sing Barukh Habbah instead of the Psalm of the day (see the prayer book).
- Then Kaddish Yehe Shelama Rabbah, then end as usual.
Regular with No Tahanunim
Regular, counting the ‘Omer after Kaddish Titkabbal, and before Psalm 122, Shir Hamma’alot.