Tammuz – תמוז
Shabbat Morning
- after the reading of the Haftarah We announce: “Ahenu Bet Yisrael Shema-u…”
Fast of the Seventeenth of Tammuz
- Regular
- We wear Talit and Tephillin.
- Regular until the Amidah.
- In the Amidah we include ‘Anenu in the Shema Kolenu.
- In the Hazzarah the Hazzan includes ‘Anenu between Reeh and Refaenu Blessings.
- After the Hazarah we follow the prayer in the fast books for Tsom Shiba Assar Betammuz on page 106. We chant “She’e Ne’essar” and “Eloke Yeshuatenu.”
- Continue as indicated in the book.
- Sefer Torah
- From Parashat Ki Tissah, “Vayehal Moshe” for the Cohen.
- For the Levi and Yisrael we start from “Pessol Lekha.”
- New York: The Kahal first chant the Shelosh Esre Middot then the Hazzan repeats them.
- Kaddish after Torah reading.
- Ashre when the Torah is taken from the reading table.
- Ya’ankha Beyom Tsara, Uba Letsion and, Kaddish Titkabbal.
- The Sefer Torah is held standing on the Reader’s desk during the Kaddish Titkabbal.
- The Torah is returned while chanting Yehallelu.
- After Shuba, the Hazzan starts Psalm 79, Mizmor Le’assaph on page 113 followed by Kaddish Yehe Shelama.
End of Shahrit:
We recite Kaveh, en Kelohenu, Tena debe Eliyahu, Kaddish Al Yisrael, Barekhu and Alenu.
- Pesukim if needed for an extra Kaddish.
Minhah for Fast day
- We wear Tallet and Tefillin.
- We start Minhah with Shema Koli.
- We say the Pitum haketoret.
- After Ashre, Kaddish, El Erekh appayim.
- Sefer Torah
- From Parshat Ki Tissah, Vayehal Moshe for the Cohen.
- For the Levi and Yisrael we start from Pessol Lekha.
- New York: The Kahal first chant the Shelosh Esre Middot then the Hazzan repeats them.
- NO KADDISH after the Torah on Minhah.
- While the Sefer Torah is taken from the reader’s desk we chant psalm 20, Ya’ankha beYom Tsarah.
- We return the Sefer Torah, immediately, without holding it standing on the Tebah while we chant Yehallelu.
- At the Hekhal we start Shubah and then Kaddish.
- Amidah then the Hazzarah are recited as in Shahrit.
- We continue in the Book for Fast days on page 82.
- New York: The choir is usally on vacation. Therefore the Hazzan starts all the melodies and is more attuned to leading the congregants as to the pace and tunes.
- The Haftarah has the special three weeks’ melodies. The Nehamah part at the end reverts to the regular Shabbat melodies of the Haftarah.
- Haftorah melodies
from Amsterdam, for Dibre, Shimu, and Hazzon
- Haftorah melodies
- Bircat HaHodesh for Rosh Hodesh Ab does not include Yehi Ratson. We start immediately from Mi She’asah and skip Besiman Tob.
New York: The choir is still on vacation
Minhah Friday Afternoon
- Regular.
- After Minhah give Mitzvot for the Zemirot and Haftarah.
- Kabbalat Shabbat is regular including Bame Madlikin.
- The Kaddish after “Amar Ribi El’azar” is recited by the Abel.
- The Kaddish, in Shabbat Hazzon melody, is introduced from “Lebetekha.”
- The Yigdal melody is also Shabbat Hazzon.
Shabbat Morning
- Zemiroth are started with “Tehilat” in the Shabbat Hazzon melody.
- “Amonai Melekh” is chanted in the Shabbat Hazzon melody also.
- If the minyan is late, introduce the Kaddish with “Ribi Hananiah Ben ‘Akashia…” after the “Great Hallel” (Hodu Le’el Hashamayim Ki le’olam Hasdo).
- Kaddish in Shabbat Hazzon melody introduced from “Haboher Beshire.”
- In Hazara, Kedushah is in Shabbat Hazzon melody.
- Kaddish Titkabbal after the Hazarah.
- Sefer Torah
- Parashat Debarim
- Haftarat Hazzon usually read by the Minister.
- Haftorah melodies
from Amsterdam, for Dibre, Shimu, and Hazzon.
- Haftorah melodies
- En Kelohenu and Adon ‘Olam melodies’ are Shabbat Hazzon.
- If Tish’a Be’Ab starts on Motsa-e Shabbat, then we say Minhah earlier on Shabbat to allow people to eat at home in preparation for the fast.
- No perpetual Hashkabot, no Tsidkatekha, no Pessukim.
Arbit Motsa’e Shabbat
- Regular including “Shuba ‘Ad Matai.”