Ab – אב
TISH-A BE-AB – תשעה באב
Minhah eve of Tish-a Be-Ab
- It is held usually at three O’clock PM.
- regular, without Pitum Haketoret or Tahnunim.
- If Tish-a Be-Ab starts on Motsa-e Shabbat Minhah Shel Shabbat is started at 3:00PM and we do not recite Tsidkadekha.
Arbit of Tish-a Be-Ab
- The synagogue is not lit. The Ner Tamid is extinguished. The Hekhal and the Tebah are all covered with black drapes. A table with candlesticks is placed in front of the Tebah. This table is also covered in black. One Sefer Torah is covered in black (the mantle, the cloth, the band and the Rimonim). The Yad is a black one. People will walk with flashlights (New York) or candles and candle holders (Philadelphia). The little books (for the eve of Tish-a Be-Ab) are placed at the entrance of the Synagogue.
- The Hazzan starts Al Neharot Babel and continues as indicated in the book in the Tish-a Be-Ab melody.
- The Shema is read in the same tune without chanting the ta- amim. Vehara Af is read aloud.
- After the Amidah, Yehi Shem and Kaddish Le-ela.
- If it is Motsa-e Shabbat the Hazzan recites Ani HaGebber Akonen.
- The Hazzan continues with Lemi Ebke.
- Ekha
is read first by the Officiating Minister then by the other Hazzanim and congregants. Each will read one Perek.
- The third perek includes responses by the congregation:”Hasde Amonai…”
- At the end of the last Perek we repeat Hashibenu…
- Continue as indicated in the book.
- After Kaddish Dehu Atid the Hazzan proclaims Ahenu Bet Yisrael. Note that we count the number of years since the Hurban from the year 3828 (68 C.E.).
- At the conclusion the Hazzan announces somberly: Services will commence tomorrow morning at 7:00 on weekdays and 8:00 on Sundays.
- We do wear neither Talet nor Tephillin.
- The Zemirot are read by a congregant in the Tish-a Be-Ab melody.
- the Shirat Hayam is replaced by Haazinu.
- continue as indicated in the book. (The Shema is like last night.)
- After the Amidah and the Hazzarah, the Hazzan starts from page 138 Ve-Arets Shafal Rumi in recitative until the end of page 139.
- from page 140 to p.142 each Kinnah is sung according to its tune.
- the Kinnot start from page 145. Congregants will read each, one Kinnah.
- Most of the Nehamot at the end of the Kinnot are not recited.
- Kinnot No. 6 on p.150, 11 on p. 157 and 22 on p. 163 are read by the Hazzanim and the congregants. Each person will read one stanza. It will make the rounds.
- Kinna No. 23 on p. 166 is read by two Hazzanim only.
- Note that Kinnah No. 12 to No. 15 start from p. 211 to 214. And Kinnah No. 19a is on page 209. Also Kinnah No.21, Bore Ad Ana
includes the non-censored version.
- The Hazan stands up and read the end of page 169, in the Selihot tune. He follows it by the Kaddish Dehu Atid.
- Sefer Torah for Tish-a Be-Ab
- From his place the Hazzan chants Al Hekhali
- While he walks toward the Tebah he chants Sifdi Vehelili.
- When he is at the Hekhal he chants Kumi Vsifdi Torah.
- He (or the Shammash) takes out the Sefer Torah and reads Bimkom Ashre Haam.
- the Sefer Torah is unwrapped. No Levantar.
- Three are called thus: “Cohen,” “Levi,” “Maphtir.”
- Reading from Va-Ethanan, Ki Tolidu Banim. Barely chanting the ta-amim.
- After the Torah the Hazan recites the Kaddish.
- The Haftarah is read according to the Ta-amim of Megillat Ruth except the last two Pessukim which are read to the regular Shabbat tune.
- Goalenu is to Ruth’s melody. – The berakhot after the Haftarah are back the Tish-a BE-Ab tune and end with Magen David.
- We go back to page 70 to recite Ashre, Veata Kaddosh and Kaddish Yehe Shelama instead of Titkabbal.
- The Sefer Torah is brought back to the Hekhal while reciting Al Neharot Babel.
- The Conclusion of Shahrith of Tish-a Be-Ab:
- We read Ekha
as was done last night followed by Kaddish Yehe Shelama.
- We read the book of Job to the Ruth Ta-amim thus: First chapter, all of it. Then turn to page 189 and start from the middle of the last chapter from “Vamonai Shab Shebut.”
- At the conclusion of Job we repeat Vayomer Arom Yatsati on page 186.
- Conclude with Kaddish Yehe Shelamah.
- New York: Announce Minhah will commence this afternoon at 6:30PM.
- Philadelphia: Announce Minhah will commence this afternoon at 5:30PM.
Minhah of Tish-a Be-Ab
- We wear Talit and Tephillin.
- Regular without Shema Koli nor Pitum Haketoret.
- we do not recite the El Erkh Appayim.
- Sefer Torah
- From Parashat Ki Tissah, Vayehal Moshe for the Cohen.
- For the Levi and Yisrael (Maphtir) we start from Pessol Lekha.
- New York: The Kahal first chant the Shelosh Esre Middot then the Hazzan repeats them.
- NO KADDISH after the Torah on Minhah.
- the Maftir will recite the Haftarah Shuba Yisrael on page 190 to the regular Shabbat tune. He will conclude the Berakhot until Magen David.
- We return the Sefer Torah, immediately, without holding it standing on the Tebah while we chant Yehallelu.
- At the Hekhal we start Shubah and then Kaddish.
- Amidah then the Hazzarah are recited as in Shahrit.
- We continue with the Nehamot in the Book for Fast days on page 191.
- After the Nehamot the Hazzan recites Kaddish Titkabbal, Shir Hama-alot Beshub Amonai, Kaddish Yehe Shelama and Alenu.
- We then remove Tephillin and Talet.
Minhah eve of Tu-be-ab
- Regular without Tananunim.
Arbit for Tu-be-ab
- Regular.
Shahrit for Tu-be-ab
- Regular without Tahanunim.
Minhah for Tu-be-ab
- Regular without Tahanunim.